Up The Intensity – Combine Supersets & Heavy Duty Resistance Bands

Gym Essentials

A super way to supersize your results, these bands are a perfect addition to pop in your bag and use at gym

The Dis-Chem Living Fit Resistance Loop is made from heavy-duty premium latex, which supports a wide range of exercises that target specific muscle groups to develop strength, endurance, coordination and flexibility.

Use the Resistance Loop for a variety of hardcore workouts with exercises like assisted chin-ups and pull-ups, bicep curls, callisthenics, stretching, and more. The looped band works well for speed and agility training, strength training, functional training, CrossFit and MMA training, and more.


  1. Perform the two exercises in each superset back-to-back without resting between them. Move as quickly as possible between exercises.
  2. Complete 12-15 reps for each exercise and 2-3 sets per superset.
  3. Rest after completing each superset.
  4. Move to the next superset in the sequence once complete.

Superset 1 – Legs, Shoulders & Biceps

Superset 1 – Legs, Shoulders & Biceps

1. Reverse lunge (left leg) with press

Place the centre of the band under your right foot, with your left foot next to it. Hold the handles using a hammer (palms-in) grip. Take a step back with your left leg. Drop your left knee down to just above floor level. As you do so, press the handles upward.  Extend your leading leg and hip to stand back up, bringing your left leg back to the starting position. Lower the handles as you do so. Repeat the movement for 90 seconds.

2. Reverse lunge (right leg) with curl resistance loop

Place the centre of the band under your other foot and hold the handle in your hand on the same side using a pronated (palm-up) grip. Drop the handle from the other hand. Take a step back with the leg not on the band. Drop your knee down to just above floor level. As you do so, curl the handle up. Extend your leading leg and hip to stand back up, bringing your trailing leg back to the starting position. Lower the handle as you do so.

Superset 2 – Back & Triceps

Superset 2 – Back & Triceps

1. Assisted band pull ups (from high anchor point on cross bar) resistance loop

Anchor a resistance band on the cross bar. Position yourself on the pull up bar using an overhand grip that’s slightly wider than your shoulder-width apart. Place either your knees or feet in the band. Raise your body as high as you can. Slowly lower back down to the starting position.

2. Tricep overhead extensions (from high anchor point on cross bar) resistance band or loop

With the resistance band anchored on the cross bar, hold one end of the loop above your head and turn away from the anchor point. Take a big step forward to place tension on the band. Hinge at the hips. Extend your arms over your head, then return the band to the starting position under control.

Superset 3 – Upper Back

Superset 3 – Upper Back

1. Band pull-aparts resistance band or loop

Stand upright and hold the exercise band in front of you at around chest height. Position your hands shoulder-width apart with your arms extended. Pull the band apart. Return your hands to the starting position under control and repeat for the required reps.

Form tip: Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the peak of the contraction.

2. Band reverse fly resistance band or loop

Stand on a resistance band and hold the end with both hands by your shins. Slightly bend your knees and lower your back so it’s parallel to the floor. Raise the arms to the side as far as you can go. Pause, then lower the band to starting position and repeat.

Superset 4 – Shoulders

Superset 4 – Shoulders

1. Band lateral raise (from low anchor point on vertical bar) resistance loop

Anchor a band to a low point of a vertical bar. Stand side-on to the anchor point. Grasp one end with the hand furthest away from the anchor point. Lift that arm up and out to the side to perform a lateral raise. Lower the arm back down under control.

2. Band high pull resistance band or loop

Stand on a resistance band and hold the band with underhand grip about shoulder width apart. Curl the band until it’s in line with your collar bone and your forearms touch your biceps. Lower and repeat.

Superset 5 – Arms

Superset 5 – Arms

1. Tricep pushdowns (from high anchor point on cross bar) resistance band or loop

Anchor a resistance band on the cross bar. Grab the resistance band with both hands (palms facing in) just below chest height. Keep your elbows tight into your side and extend your elbows to press your hands down towards your waist. Bring your hands back up to just below chest height under control.

2. High band bicep curls (from high anchor point on cross bar) resistance band or loop

Anchor a resistance band on the cross bar. Grab the other end of the looped band with both hands. Step away from the anchor point. Curl your arms to bring your hands to your forehead. Extend your elbows and repeat the movement for the required reps.

Superset 6 – Glutes & Hamstrings

Superset 6 – Glutes & Hamstrings

1. Glute kick complex mini band

Position a mini band around both ankles. Perform 5 side kicks with the left leg, 5 x 45-degree kicks on the same leg and 5 x backward kicks. Repeat on the right leg to complete the set.

2. Isometric hamstring curl resistance band

Anchor the band low down on the pole. Lie face down. Place your left ankle in the loop. Move away from the anchor point to create tension on the band. Curl your knee to 90-degrees. Hold this position against the resistance. Repeat on the other leg.

Superset 7 – Core

Superset 7 – Core

1. Woodchops (from low anchor point on vertical bar) resistance loop

Anchor the band at the base of the pole. Holds the end together in both hands, positioned out to the side and slightly down. Pull the band up across your body while rotating your torso. Return to the starting position by lowering the band under control and twisting your torso back. Repeat the movement for the required reps, then swap sides and repeat.

Form tip: Track your hand movement with your eyes to ensure a fuller rotation and better postural alignment throughout the exercise.

2. Plank with band row (from low anchor point on vertical bar) resistance loop

Anchor the band low down on a post in front of you. Assume a plank position with your core tight and glutes squeezed. Keeping your lower back flat, reach forward with one arm, grab the handle, and row it to your rib cage and back with control while keeping your body tense.