Modern life is demanding and stressful, and the global village has become exceptionally competitive. People are looking for solutions to deal with these challenges and unlock their full potential to win at life!

Whether you want to outperform your peers at work, ace your studies or simply want to be more productive during your day, everyone could do with a mental and physical edge.

In their quest to find safe and sustainable products that deliver these benefits, consumers worldwide – everyone from business leaders, Silicon Valley execs, Wall Street professionals, influencers in popular culture and even housewives – are turning to a new supplement category called nootropics.

Noolit nutropics

READ MORE | Nootropics Give You A Mental Edge

Everyone can benefit from nootropics

Nootropics are dietary supplements and other substances that stimulate the right responses in your brain to help support cognitive function and improve mental health.

Nootropics can help you boost your executive functioning, memory, processing speed, creativity, reasoning, focus, concentration and motivation. The right formulation can also help you manage anxiety, calm racing thoughts, enhance your mood and improve the quality of your sleep.

Some people even use nootropics to boost their sociability. The increased confidence that comes from faster cognition and the enhanced mental and verbal fluidity makes these products ideal for public speaking, presentations and parties.

Even active individuals and sportspeople – both amateurs and professional athletes – are leveraging these nootropic benefits. Increasingly included in pre-workout and performance mixes, nootropics work to naturally enhance and optimise physical and mental performance, offering an edge in reaction times and cognitive function to improve agility and high-pressure decision-making.

And many people, especially older individuals, are embracing nootropics for the neuro-protective properties these products offer. Including nootropics in your everyday nutritional plan can support brain health and stimulate the generation of new neurons.

Nootropics may also help to address age-related memory loss and the impact of chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Light up your performance

While South Africa lags the global trend, interest in nootropics is rapidly rising as more people opt for natural solutions to modern-day challenges while taking a more holistic approach to wellness that targets both body and mind.

The Noolit range of nootropic brain supplements has been engineered to provide the ultimate cognitive-enhancing solution to boost your brain and help you unlock your full potential.

Extensively researched and naturally sourced, Noolit nootropics support mental health and performance by improving memory, motivation, focus, clarity, concentration, mood and energy.

Noolit products also harness the well documented power of medicinal brainshrooms in combination with ingredients that enhance neurotransmission to improve cognition and holistic brain health.

The right Noolit product or product stack (multiple products used together to meet your specific needs) can also provide a controlled peak of sustained mental performance during periods when you need it most!

The right Noolit product can also provide a controlled peak of sustained mental performance during periods when you need it most!

Extensive range now at Dis-Chem

The extensive Noolit nootropics range includes a product for every cognitive requirement:

Become who you know you can be and realise your full potential to be the best version of you with Noolit nootropics. It’s the product the world never knew it always needed!

Noolit nootropics are available from select Dis-Chem Pharmacies nationwide.