Recently released user data from Fitbit reveals how the community scaled the numerous obstacles that 2020 threw at us.

READ MORE: Fitbit users renewed focus on health amid COVID-19, research reveals

30 May 2020

This was the Most Active Day among Fitbit users, who logged an average of 8,810 steps on the day.

52 trillion

In total, Fitbit users took 52 trillion steps in 2021 despite lockdowns and shelter-at-home orders.

22 billion miles

Fitbit users got out and got active as best they could in 2020, logging 22 billion miles (that’s over 35 billion kilometres) in total. That’s like crossing the English Channel 1 billion times.

READ MORE: Fitbit software update unlocks new health tracking capabilities

9 trillion

Whether they walked, ran or rode, Fitbit users burned a combined 9 trillion calories over the course of last year. That’s like burning off 31 billion slices of pizza.

76 sleep score

Fitbit devices track your sleep to provide insights into your sleep quality and help shape healthier habits. Your overall nightly sleep score is based on your heart rate, the time you spend awake or restless, and your sleep stages. In 2020, Fitbit users ranked predominantly in the “Fair” category (60-79).

READ MORE: Wearable tech joins Covid-19 fight

The stats also revealed how the world sleeps. Fitbit user data found that users on average:

  • Slept 6.8 hours on average a night.
  • Went to bed at 11:20 pm on average.
  • Woke up at 8:03 am on average.

47 Active Zone Minutes

The global Fitbit community averaged 47 active zones minutes, which is a significant portion of the

recommended 150 minutes per week. The Active Zone Minutes feature also provides real-time feedback and motivating messages when you enter target heart rate zones.

READ MORE: Fitbit adds features to help you navigate the COVID-19 outbreak

How do you stack up to average Fitbit users around the world? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook.