MONTH-END DEALS - Deals breaking 16 May 24' on selected brands (Valid until 09 June 24').

The USN Super Strength Creatine HCl – 100 Caps is brought to you by Dis-Chem Living Fit (A division of Dis-Chem Pharmacies).

USN Super Strength Creatine HCl – 100 Caps

USN Super Strength Creatine HCl – 100 Caps

R239.95 (incl vat)

Creatine HCL is formulated with Creatine Hydrochloride, the most effectively absorbed form of creatine. Creatine HCL has been found to increase performance during high-intensity, short bursts of exercise, as well as increasing muscle mass and improving recovery. USN’s Creatine HCL has enhanced bioavailability through our unique formulation, improving uptake and extending its effect.

  • Most absorbable and soluble creatine available.
  • Increase muscle strength, mass & power.
  • Improve recovery & performance.

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Article: 115660000EA
SKU: 000000000000115660 Category: Brand:

DOSAGE: Take 5 capsules with a glass of water before training. Combine with your favourite protein drink to improve muscle saturation to an even greater extent. On non-training days, take 5 capsules on an empty stomach, before breakfast.

Consume sufficient amounts of fluid before during and after exercise. Drink at least 2-3 litres of water per day while using USN CREATINE HCl.
For best results, follow an appropriate muscle gain eating plan and training program.

*Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

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